Post-Doc (Protein crystallography, Biophysics, Molecular biology)
Indian Institute of Science,
Molecular Biophysics Unit, Bangalore, India
2014 - 2017
Post-Doc (Inorganic, Organic synthesis, Supramolecular chemistry)
Seoul National University,
Department of Chemistry Seoul, Republic of Korea
2013 - 2014 | 2011 - 2012 | 2008 - 2009
Post-Doc (Inorganic chemistry, Crystallography)
Bielefeld University,
Department of Chemistry Bielefeld, Germany
2012 - 2013
Post-Doc (Inorganic, Organic Synthesis, Molecular Magnetism)
Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences
Moderna, Italy
2010 - 2011
Post-Doc (Main group chemistry, Metal-based drugs, Crystallography)
University of Hyderabad ,
School of Chemistry
Hyderabad, India